Affordable Pre-Owned &
Clearance Bowling Equipment
Welcome to UsedBowlingBalls.com.
It all started back in 2001; with a small idea for a place where bowlers and non-bowlers can find pre-owned and inexpensive bowling equipment.
We cater to the bowlers who are looking for that 15 year old ball they used to love, bowlers who want that new to them product without spending upwards of $200+ on it, novice bowlers looking to get started in an inexpensive way, artists looking for crafts for a bowling ball garden, or even people who want to shoot bowling balls out of cannons.
(Yes, that happens.)
Our success is attained by executing our mission statement, along with the fact we just simply love bowling, and strive to have fun and spread that love every single day. Thank you for your time and interest and ask any questions.


Matt - Long Island, NY
The selection of bowling balls from UsedBowlingBalls.com has always been vast. I found the Original Columbia Momentum Swing that I bowled the absolute best with. Thanks You!

Robert - Seattle, WA
My purchase was shipped the next day, double boxed, and with a coupon for referring a friend. Mitchell responded to my message on Facebook in seconds. These guys are GREAT!

Corinne - Boulder, CO
I bought 8 different balls to help spruce up my garden, Adam was the biggest help with shipping and even helped with a tip on how to preserve paint!